Q: Do you have a refund policy?
A: No refunds once a class is purchased.
Q: What if I miss a class?
A: No worries! If you miss a Thursday class due to sickness or another emergency, you can substitute for any Saturday class.
Q: A class for babies? How does that work?
A: Music is one of the best things for babies! It will help to develop their social and emotional skills; help with motor skills; and help with language development. Also, a big goal of the class is to create a parent-child bond through music-making.
Q: Are all of the sessions the same?
A: Nope! Each 8-week session in the year will introduce new rhymes, songs, and activities.
Q: Why is space limited for your class?
A: While I do love to teach big classes (and may start including those in the future!), a smaller class size of 8 allows for maximized individual attention, as well as the opportunity for you to get to know everyone in your class, and for your little ones to build relationships with their peers.
Q: What’s the benefit of signing up for an 8-week session?
A: I highly encourage signing up for a full 8-week session, so that you and your child can acclimate to all of the activities.
Q: What if I have a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old?
A: You can absolutely bring them both to the same class. I recommend signing up for the older class and bringing the younger sibling with the older sibling.
Q: I’m interested, but I want to see what it’s like first.
A: Absolutely. You are welcome to visit any class at any time and check it out for yourself! (email me at to let me know you want to attend).
Q: What's a drop-in class?
A: If you don't want to sign up for an 8-week session, but want to come to class once-in-a-while, you can drop-in! (As space allows)